Thursday, February 2, 2012

A self conscious individual has no place working inside of a kitchen, every movie you've ever seen and every story youve ever heard is true about restaurant kitchens, as gnarly as drugs and nudity and vile secret ingredients in annoying customers food.Ive lived it,seen it and may or may have not participated in such acts.In case i ever run for president, ill leave these details as open ended. The continuous short spurts of adrenaline that the make-line goes through the evening rushes,will make you see a lot of people ugly side come out. W ether it be big mouths flapping LOUD (not interesting or funny) things, to the weaklings who crack and give up or intensify their anger to be left alone. Its a harsh place for many, without sounding misogynistic, there's a reason the majority of the worlds best chefs are men. Itd also be interesting to see the relation between Mexican males, who seem to dominate every restaurant  kitchen from San Diego to New York and the ability to deal with constant pressure and stress.Are they genetically predisposed to enjoy these horrible working conditions? or was it the upbringing? Growing jaded because of the constant drama that follows low income neighborhoods. Which also raises the question of nature versus nurture and how "well to do" people (mexican or not) pursue cooking careers.the pursuit of filthy lucre is our common goal, the fulfillment of doing what one loves to do for a living, is what we all should strive for. Until the 99% start slipping and let a motherfucker like me within their ranks. Take pride in whatever your current station in life may be.Wether you have a Phd in medicine or a doctorate in trash talking n pool hustling.

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