Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dont Shit where you eat

In this day and age it should be common knowledge that mixing business with pleasure is a huge no-no and can lead to many an embarrassing moment when harsh decisions need to be made. In our eternal pursuit of filthy lucre and our desire to be surrounded by loved ones, it may seem like an awesome idea to intertwine the two, but that in itself should be known as one of the biggest social faux pas,subjecting ourselves to discomfort in our day to day routine,Similar to having one of those roommates that you just cant stand, but know you need them to stay? That eerie feeling of coming "home" to an unwelcome person within your lair.But there are many exceptions to this runs businesses,most non profits and a few others that escape my mind at the moment. A tiny fragment of what would closely be considered Utopian.Itsa beautiful thought of something that the human animal will never be able to achieve.There can be happy times for days and maybe even years at a time.But like all good things there must be an end.A carelessly worded comment can bring it all crashing down in an instant or start to build tension until it becomes palpable.

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